The Louvre is the home of the Mona Lisa and many other famous paintings by such artists as Giotto, Raphael, Titian, Botticelli, and other names familiar from art classes. The building in which the museum is housed is so extensive it could take several days to walk through all the rooms and see everything, let alone absorb it all. We were allowed to take photographs without the flash, and our mission for today was to photograph a sculpture from an interesting angle or lighting source. We had about five and a half hours to spend there, and it was not nearly enough time. Connie and I looked at paintings by Flemish artists, Etruscan statues and carvings, Italian Renaissance painters, and the time was nearly gone. After allowing a little time to locate and peruse the gift shop and find the sortie (exit), we met up with the class and headed back toward our hotel. Then a group of us went out to a little Thai restaurant nearby and enjoyed some Asian cuisine to top off the day. I will post pictures when we can get them through on the Internet.
Stone Lion Carving
Front View
I am glad you were able to sortie faster this time. Looking forward to some pictures.